Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Update - Posters up in the Lake Barcroft/JEB Stuart High School Area

Thanks to everyone who helped posted the area around the sighting from this weekend. We were able to get signs up in a good radius. Lake Barcroft is a potentially good hiding place and I could see him riding out the next couple of cold days there (if that's really where he is.) Hopefully one of the residents in the area will see him and give us a call.
One of the folks out tonight asked is Rocky likes the water. Which is a great question... he was at least eighteen months old before he even saw water. We were on vacation out in Tahoe and went to play in the river. We literally had to pick him up and put him in the water and first, and it was only up to his little knees. We got him to the point that he'd at least run in and out of it, but he didn't seem impressed. In later life though, I think Rocky's been more for the water... but he is definitely not a 'water dog'. If I had my dog with me tonight, I'm pretty sure I would have ended up getting dragged into the lake trying to keep him out of it. I'll have to keep that in mind when I go out to scan the woods in the area tomorrow.


  1. You know, it's nice that the sitings near Jeb Stuart HS were called in even though the postering was quite a distance away. It seems like word of Rocky is spreading which means more and more people are keeping an eye out for him. That is good news.

  2. It is good news, but it should also be noted that 3 vols flyered the heck out of this area on Friday, January 23. Also talked to and gave info to police patrolling the area, crossing guards, etc...

  3. We noticed the flyers and were able to fan out to a larger area because of them, so thanks SO much.
    Also, we were able to get an email out to the Lake Barcroft neighborhood association mailing list today.

  4. I am not able to help in the search but I was just wondering how you plan to catch him if you don't want people calling him or approaching him. I know what not to do but what do you do? I've read the blog and I don't see this ever mentioned although maybe it is discussed in the group stufff when you go out. I really hope you find him soon!

  5. Since you are openly soliciting donations and presumably receiving them - please let us know how they have/are intending to be spent so that thos eon the fence can determine whether it makes sense to continue to donate

  6. Here is a basic list of the costs thus far:

    - www.findtoto.com calls (1500 calls 3 times)
    - Approximately 1500 color printed posters, 1000 color business cards
    - Assorted Supplies for postering and feeding stations: plastic sleeves, tape, staple guns w/staples, scissors, flashlights, dog food, batteries, etc.
    - Pet Tracker (per hour)
    - Animal Communicator (per hour)
    - Paid Ads

    There is probably other costs that I am missing, but I hope that helps. Thanks. Rocky's Dad.

  7. In response to Jill's question about how the searchers expect to catch Rocky if they can't approach him... I can suggest a couple of scenarios. If someone that Rocky knows and trusts is called to the area, Rocky might be approachable. But know that a scared dog that has been loose for a while might very well be afraid to come to even his owner's call. Another possibility is to get him feeling safe and comfortable in a neighborhood by setting up a feeding station that he will come to regularly, and then entice him into a trap that looks like a big cage. Quite possibly the trap wouldn't be set to spring at the outset -- they would want Rocky comfortable coming and going. And at some point the trap would be set, and Rocky would go in to eat, and the door would close behind him. And BTW, set traps are always closely monitored so an animal won't be in there for long.

  8. We plan to trap him using a humane trap--but we need to have him on a consistent feeding pattern before we can do that. So we have to get a feeding station down the SAME day as sighting--which is hard because we often receive calls saying that Rocky was seen a few days ago.

  9. I've been following this blog for awhile and I come here every day hoping that Rocky is found. I don't live close by and I barely have any money to support myself at the moment, otherwise I would donate to help find him. I'm sure he will be found soon. It sounds like he's quite a dog :) Don't ever lose hope.

  10. I check every day and am patiently waiting for than going home picture. Come on Rocky get home!
