Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Un-finding, Other Dogs, and Tomorow's GALA

A few topics to discuss. Now that Rocky has been found, we need to un-find him. All I need is someone on the street harassing me cause they think Rocky is a lost dog and not my Munn. :) I know unpostering efforts have already begun, but if you see any posters up in your neighborhood or otherwise, please take them down. If you have some time free and want to pull down posters (much more fun then putting them up I think!), contact testerdesp@aol.com and she can tell who what areas need un-postering. Also, I know many of you have posted Rocky on websites, shelters, vets, etc. - if you can call or write any that you may have done to let them know Rocky has been found (a very fun phone call by the way!), that would be appreciated. Rocky's celebrity status and having my phone number plastered around NoVa was fun while it lasted, but now it's time for both of us to return to our normal recluse lifestyle. ;)

A few people have reached out to me to post stories of other lost dogs on this blog. I hope all these dogs complete their journey home much like my baby did:
Lucy - http://www.lostlucy.com/Home
Queenie - http://helpfindqueenie.blogspot.com/
Alli - http://findmydogalli.blogspot.com/

And last, tomorrow's GALA is scheduled to go on as planned. It appears as if the Washington Post will be there with a reporter and a photographer (so much for Rocky's recluse life!). Either way though, I hope to see everyone there. The Munn has been resting up almost non-stop for 2 days just for the GALA! There was even rumbles of him getting dressed up for the event... but that might have just been his tummy.

Rocky's Dad


  1. I think the unpostering's been pretty successful in my 'hood. I noticed someone has already taken down most of the posters along the Lee Highway/Sycamore St/Tuckahoe Park area and I grabbed the last two that I saw still up on my way home from EFC metro tonight.

  2. PRAISE GOD that Rocky is home again. I live in NC and have family in Centreville, VA. I found your blog from the Jeddah website and have followed it from day 1. I live too far to participate in the search, but have prayed so hard that Rocky would be found and returned safely home.
    I have not been on here since Sat because of work, but I cried happy tears tonight when I read that the Munn is home now!
    Now my prayers are for your life to return to normal, and for those other lost dogs to be found.
    God bless you- and Rocky!!!

  3. So glad he has been found! :) What does "munn-like" mean?

  4. Now that Rocky has been found - could you please share the following with all of us:

    Is he now micro-chipped?
    Does he now have a tag on his collar with your/his correct local VA contact information?
    Is he properly registered/licensed in your town/county?
    What have you done to address the same thing not happening again - was it his leash that broke or something else?


  5. From reading the blogs on Rocky it says he was spooked from the car horn and probably caught the walker with the leash off guard, which happens quite often with dogs. The girl that found Rocky was able to read the phone number off Rocky's collar, so the contact info was on there. If he's at daycares, etc., I'm sure he's registered.

    I'm glad Rocky has been found. I'm not sure there is anything that anyone can do to prevent things like this from happening again. We can all take precautions and build as many security things as possible, but dogs are amazing creatures and seem to outsmart humans a lot of times :)

  6. In early posts Ravi indicated the contact information on Rocky's collar was his number in CA which thankfully he had on an old cell phone.

    I wanted to know that Rocky's collar had been updated to include a tag with his current info in VA as it seems he has livedhere for 2+ years, that he is licensed and tagged in his town/county in VA (which will also help if he is lost again and is also the law) and that he gets micro-chipped as well.

  7. This is really great news. All of us dog owners in the Poplar Heights neighberhood have been hoping he would show up. Excellent work with the signs and blog. We are so glad Rocky is home and will take down any signs we see on our walks.

  8. I have followed Jeddah since her disappearance last July and from there followed Rocky's misadventure. I was so relieved when I logged on and saw reunion pictures. Perserverance pays off, but please now, Rocky's dad, have him microchipped, outfitted with GPS or whatever it takes to keep him safe. A friend of mine whose dog was missing for two months was finally found, but was forever changed by her having to fend for herself. She became aggressive to her sisters and seemed to be making the point that she had survived on her own and would not take any flak from anyone. She had to be kept separate when the family was going to be out of the house. Hopefully, Rocky won't display this behavior since he is an "only dog". My prayer for him is to live out his life as the pampered pooch he has always been. Welcome home, Rocky, welcome home.

  9. Hi Ravi,

    So happy to hear that you were reunited with Rocky. That just made my month, I'm actually in tears. I happy ending is always a good thing.


  10. I met Rocky at the gala and he is a GREAT dog! I can see why his dad is proud of him, and wants him around. He's amazingly patient and sweet natured. From my vantage point, it sure doesn't look like he has had bad effects from his time on his own.

  11. Rocky is so cute and sweet, I had the great pleasure of meeting him last night. I can see why he was so missed. To those talking about a microchip, those don't always work, and there have been some concern as to them causing cancer, so it is actually not necessarily the best option. Ravi is a great owner to Rocky and obviously loves him incredibly much, and I think that people need to stop telling him what to do with his own dog, I'm sure that he is more than smart enough to know what needs to be done to prevent this from happening again. Rocky looked wonderful yesterday, its hard to believe he spent so much time in that nasty weather. I think he has probably learned that it is better not to get lost again. I think that Rocky needs a Facebook profile so we can all check in on how he is doing and seeing his cute pictures every now and then. :)

  12. De-postering in the Falls Church neighborhood behind the Safeway on Lee Highway nearly complete!

  13. Queenie's been found! Next up--Lucy!
