As a dog, I have very little concept of time. I heard Daddy once say that 1 year to a person is 7 years to a dog. Which means if I was gone for 36 days, it was.... well, dogs aren't good at math. So really, I have no concept of how long that really is. So when Daddy mentioned I should have somewhat of a posting schedule for the blog, I asked "Should I post whenever I pee? Whenever I eat?" These are the sort of things I do routinely. Daddy thought that might be too much, so we decided I will post whenever Daddy sends me to day care. As a result, expect new posts from me on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Also as a dog, I tend to be territorial. Daddy explained to me that this is a public blog, meaning that other people might come try and pee on it, even though I already peed here first (side note: I don't understand why Daddy was upset with me when I peed on the blog. He told me I could have it. People are so weird sometimes). My only request is that you be respectful to me with your peeing and I in turn will allow you to mark my territory in the comments section. You certainly can mail me your pee to - please feel free to send questions, things you want to know about me, or potential "Rocky Stars" and I'll include them in the blog.
Finally, I would like to give a woof-out to the Obamas for agreeing to rescue the next First Dog:
As a rescue myself, I commend the Obamas for choosing to forego an elitist, breeded dog and rescuing one in need. I'm not really into politics, but Daddy is, so I'm not really sure what importance the Obamas have. Daddy says they make decisions. Well, if this is the type of decisions they make, they are very good decision makers. So I guess that's good news. As for the dog, well he or she certainly will have a big lawn to find fun stuff to sniff! I wonder if there is cheese in that big white house.
Daddy also told me that I was gone for the Obamas arrival into Washington DC (he called it an "In dog U Nation" or something, which sounds fascinating if it really involved a nation of dogs). He mentioned that a lot of people descended into the DC area that week. Once he told me that, I realized that was also right about the time that I decided to high tail it out of the Falls Church/Arlington area and find someplace quieter. Huge messes of people scare me. So while Daddy might have thought it was random that I ended up where I did, it seems logical to me. I just headed in the opposite direction that the huge mess of people were heading. And see, you thought my running path was random. Anyway, I'll have more tidbits like this in the weeks to come.
Ok, break time at daycare is over. Time to go sniff something!
Rocky The Munn
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A Farewell... and a New Beginning!
Hi all -
Well, it's been an interesting 53 days. I've experienced some of the lowest lows and highest highs I'll probably ever experience during that time. It's been quite a ride. And now I think it's time for me to get off the ride.... before I do, however, I want to thank everyone out there who sent me their support for the first 36 days and their heartfelt congratulations over the last 17. My ability to remain positive over those first few weeks were in part thanks to the overwhelming support I received from the people who have frequented this blog. It brought me to tears on more then one occasion to receive willing helping hands and helping words from those who have never met Rocky nor myself. And to know the amount of people that were praying and keeping their eyes out for Rocky... well, I'm not sure what people (or even I) believe in when it comes to a higher power. But whomever out there is watching out for the good souls certainly heard your voices and made sure my Rocky stayed out of harms way during that time. The purpose of starting this blog was for me to help spread the word about Rocky and bring him home safely. That purpose having been fulfilled - it's time for me, Rocky's Dad, to bid adieu from this blog. Farewell - I have nothing but love for you all.
That being said, I have discussed this blog with Rocky. Although unaware of the support from the readers of the blog while he was a "Munn on the Run", he has quickly learned about that support through the welcome GALA and the good wishes he has received during that time. He was severely disappointed when I informed him of my decision to leave the blog and has offered his services to keep the blog running at least for the time being (he's a dog - so he doesn't make long term promises. You never know where there's going to be a better spot to sniff.) So I have decided to turn this blog over to Rocky himself (which makes sense since the author of all the blog posts is listed as him anyway). Over the next few weeks, months, years, or whatever he decides, Rocky will give his own musings on his time on the run, on life with a crazy owner, advice for other dogs out there, and other thoughts that only a Munn could have. Also, periodically he will profile "Rocky Stars" - other dogs that may need your help because they are lost or need new homes. And so without further adieu, I will now turn things over to Rocky.
WOOF! Ok, that's better. Hard to type with paws instead of hands. I suggest you all glue your fingers together and see how you do in front of a keyboard before you judge me. First off, I want to point everyone to the sighting map Daddy put together for me on the right side of the page. Interesting work - but he makes it seem as if I had no rhyme or reason for what I was doing with that mishmash of different colors that go back and forth. Believe you me, I did. Over the next few weeks I will attempt to explain my thoughts and actions over those long, cold 36 days.
Also, a lot of people have asked why Daddy calls me "The Munn". The answer is... I really have no idea. The man has come up with more nicknames for me that make no sense then blocks of cheese I have stolen from the fridge. He claims it's cause he used to call me "Stockyman". Which eventually became "Stockomunn" when he decided I was Irish and not quite a man (hence, a Munn). Which eventually became "The Munn" I guess when he decided I wasn't Irish anymore (I'm not sure if I'm allowed to be Australian again at this point). So there you have it. He also calls me "Stupid" occassionally. To which my only reply is "who's the one who picks up the other's poop, Dad?". Right. I'm the Stupid One.
I'm looking forward to taking over the blog from Daddy now that I'm finally home. It'll give me something to do during the day while Daddy is at work. But I do hope to keep the original purpose of this blog alive by helping other dogs in need. With that in mind, I want to wish upon my first "Rocky Star", Lucy an Australian Shepherd lost around Rock Creek Park in Washington, DC. Lucy's blog can be visited here: Please help Lucy in any way you can.
And with that, it's time for me to go pee on something. Feel free to write to me at about any questions you might have for me that I can answer here, nominations for "Rocky Stars", or about anything else you might want to say. Awroo!
Rocky The Munn
Well, it's been an interesting 53 days. I've experienced some of the lowest lows and highest highs I'll probably ever experience during that time. It's been quite a ride. And now I think it's time for me to get off the ride.... before I do, however, I want to thank everyone out there who sent me their support for the first 36 days and their heartfelt congratulations over the last 17. My ability to remain positive over those first few weeks were in part thanks to the overwhelming support I received from the people who have frequented this blog. It brought me to tears on more then one occasion to receive willing helping hands and helping words from those who have never met Rocky nor myself. And to know the amount of people that were praying and keeping their eyes out for Rocky... well, I'm not sure what people (or even I) believe in when it comes to a higher power. But whomever out there is watching out for the good souls certainly heard your voices and made sure my Rocky stayed out of harms way during that time. The purpose of starting this blog was for me to help spread the word about Rocky and bring him home safely. That purpose having been fulfilled - it's time for me, Rocky's Dad, to bid adieu from this blog. Farewell - I have nothing but love for you all.
That being said, I have discussed this blog with Rocky. Although unaware of the support from the readers of the blog while he was a "Munn on the Run", he has quickly learned about that support through the welcome GALA and the good wishes he has received during that time. He was severely disappointed when I informed him of my decision to leave the blog and has offered his services to keep the blog running at least for the time being (he's a dog - so he doesn't make long term promises. You never know where there's going to be a better spot to sniff.) So I have decided to turn this blog over to Rocky himself (which makes sense since the author of all the blog posts is listed as him anyway). Over the next few weeks, months, years, or whatever he decides, Rocky will give his own musings on his time on the run, on life with a crazy owner, advice for other dogs out there, and other thoughts that only a Munn could have. Also, periodically he will profile "Rocky Stars" - other dogs that may need your help because they are lost or need new homes. And so without further adieu, I will now turn things over to Rocky.
WOOF! Ok, that's better. Hard to type with paws instead of hands. I suggest you all glue your fingers together and see how you do in front of a keyboard before you judge me. First off, I want to point everyone to the sighting map Daddy put together for me on the right side of the page. Interesting work - but he makes it seem as if I had no rhyme or reason for what I was doing with that mishmash of different colors that go back and forth. Believe you me, I did. Over the next few weeks I will attempt to explain my thoughts and actions over those long, cold 36 days.
Also, a lot of people have asked why Daddy calls me "The Munn". The answer is... I really have no idea. The man has come up with more nicknames for me that make no sense then blocks of cheese I have stolen from the fridge. He claims it's cause he used to call me "Stockyman". Which eventually became "Stockomunn" when he decided I was Irish and not quite a man (hence, a Munn). Which eventually became "The Munn" I guess when he decided I wasn't Irish anymore (I'm not sure if I'm allowed to be Australian again at this point). So there you have it. He also calls me "Stupid" occassionally. To which my only reply is "who's the one who picks up the other's poop, Dad?". Right. I'm the Stupid One.
I'm looking forward to taking over the blog from Daddy now that I'm finally home. It'll give me something to do during the day while Daddy is at work. But I do hope to keep the original purpose of this blog alive by helping other dogs in need. With that in mind, I want to wish upon my first "Rocky Star", Lucy an Australian Shepherd lost around Rock Creek Park in Washington, DC. Lucy's blog can be visited here: Please help Lucy in any way you can.
And with that, it's time for me to go pee on something. Feel free to write to me at about any questions you might have for me that I can answer here, nominations for "Rocky Stars", or about anything else you might want to say. Awroo!
Rocky The Munn
Monday, February 23, 2009
Rocky Map Updated and Blog Future
So - I sat down with our map expert, Jen Norris, yesterday and we put our heads together and tried to make our best guess at Rocky's full route from January 3rd to February 8. At this point, it was very clear which potential Rocky sightings were false and which ones weren't - so we deleted all those that we not him and then connected dots using the places and dates of the other sightings. What we ended up with was quite a funny set of lines of Rocky going back forth between the two Falls Church Metros for awhile until he finally decided to head off towards Annandale for his final pick up location. Of course, we had to make some assumptions on where he crossed over 50 and how he may have gotten around Lake Barcroft, but I think what we ended up with is probably a pretty good guess on how he travelled. You can see the final map here:,-77.127113&spn=0.07924,0.181961&z=13 or use the map link on the right hand side of this page. Jen added in some great commentary on what our thoughts are on Rocky's route and why we made certain assumptions about his travel behavior. Click on the lines to read them!
Also, within the next couple days, I'll be figuring out what I want to do with this blog ongoing. I have received some thoughts and ideas for uses although part of me thinks it might be better just to shut it down entirely. I'm not sure if anyone is still clicking here or plans too ongoing. I'm very happy Rocky is home and I've been overwhelmed by the support he's received through this blog. If you have continued to check it and would like to see it continue, please comment below on what sort of content you would like to see (or write Rocky an email to
Also, within the next couple days, I'll be figuring out what I want to do with this blog ongoing. I have received some thoughts and ideas for uses although part of me thinks it might be better just to shut it down entirely. I'm not sure if anyone is still clicking here or plans too ongoing. I'm very happy Rocky is home and I've been overwhelmed by the support he's received through this blog. If you have continued to check it and would like to see it continue, please comment below on what sort of content you would like to see (or write Rocky an email to
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Rocky in the Washington Post!
So the Munn's article appeared in the Washington Post!!
For anyone coming to this blog for the first time today, there are other missing dogs out there that can use your help. Please do what you can to help Lucy:
Also anyone looking for a dog of their own to adopt, Romeo is a real sweety:
Romeo will be at an adoption event at:
Wylie Wagg
Sat Feb 21, 12-2pm
7505 Leesburg PikeFalls Church, VA
(703) 748-0022
Rocky will be stopping by to lend his support!!
For anyone coming to this blog for the first time today, there are other missing dogs out there that can use your help. Please do what you can to help Lucy:
Also anyone looking for a dog of their own to adopt, Romeo is a real sweety:
Romeo will be at an adoption event at:
Wylie Wagg
Sat Feb 21, 12-2pm
7505 Leesburg PikeFalls Church, VA
(703) 748-0022
Rocky will be stopping by to lend his support!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
More pics from the GALA

Now that's what I call a Lost and Found!

Many dogs in all shapes and sizes came to see Rocky.

Rocky was at times overwhelmed. But he always kept himself near the center of attention!

"I would just like to thank - all the volunteers who believed in me... when the going got tough - the Rock got going."

OK - you have my attention. You must be holding cheese.

Hey - you know it was a little girl just like you who helped me get home! (Unfortunately, Maddie was unable to attend)
Monday, February 16, 2009
It's the Little Things...
Like Solid Poo that sometimes can make your day. Rocky's digestion has returned to normal. He's put on about half the weight he lost in a week. And the scar on his nose is almost healed. So he's almost gotten to the point where he's no worse for wear a week after his return home. And honestly, he is basically the same dog personality wise now that he was before he left. It's almost like he really did just take a 36 day sabbatical. He even systematically pulled my clothes out of the hamper over the weekend to make himself a bed of my t-shirts and pajama pants. So that's my Munn - back to Munn like status! Here's another GALA pic guaranteed to make you smile.
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Munn on the Run
A lot of people have asked me over the last couple days what I thought Rocky did on a day to day basis while he was out on the run for 36 days. After the first couple times, I came up with a novel way to get the answer to this question – to ask him myself! Unfortunately, he was sleeping most of the time for the first few days of his return. When he was awake and I tried to query him, he at times gave me the silent treatment. On other occasions he told me he would talk when the time was right and now wasn’t because he was still processing through everything. He then explained to me that dogs don’t have complex thought processes so therefore I was putting those words into his mouth and I should apologize to him for that. We went back and forth debating this point for awhile. Anyway, I guess after 5 days, Rocky was finally able to speak about what happened to him over the last 36 days to a reporter from the “Poochie Press” (Editor’s Note: Not a title of an actual publication). Here is the transcript.
Poochie Press: Thank you for agreeing to meet with us Rocky. We know you are a busy Munn.
Rocky the Munn: They told me I would get cheese.
PP: You just returned from a remarkable journey of 36 days in which you travelled at least 10 miles in a straight line, probably many more in your whole route – during which you dealt with extreme cold, ice, rain, snow, and even hail. How are you feeling right now?
PP: Mr. The Munn? Is that your way of saying you’re tired?
RTM: Oh no, I’m just found your initial question boring to your readers. You should be more considerate.
PP: Point taken. Can you tell us why you chose to go towards Annandale after you were lost in Falls Church?
RTM: That way smelled better. More places to pee. Less scary people.
PP: Interesting. Were you scared during your travels?
RTM: Well, I ran away from everyone who saw me. Plus, I was all alone in the cold, rain, and whatever else you said without my Daddy. So no, I wasn’t scared at all.
PP: You weren’t? My aren’t you a brave dog.
RTM: That was sarcasm, you twit.
PP: Your dad mentioned that you were very intelligent and athletic. Were these qualities things that helped you survive during your journey?
RTM: I think I survived mostly cause of my charm and good looks.
PP: Wow – that is intere…. Wait, more sarcasm, right?
RTM: I am wagging my tail in approval of your newfound intelligence.
PP: What did you eat during your journey, Mr. The Munn?
RTM: Steak, Filet Mignon, Blocks of Cheese, Broiled Scallops, Fig Newtons, Tomato Paste, Caviar, Pineapple Glazed Chicken…
PP: Wow – that’s quite a spread!
RTM: I lost 10 lbs. You can be assured I had none of the above. Although I may have dreamt about some of them. By the way, when do I get that cheese?
PP: One more question – and then you’ll get all the cheese you want. Do you miss being out on the run or are you happy to be back home where you belong?
RTM: My daddy and I will never be separated like that again. It was a tough 36 days for me and I know it was for him as well. I’m sure versions of these same questions could legitimately be asked of him too. I’m going to do everything in my power to ensure I am never in the same situation again and I’m sure my daddy will do the same.
Henry David Thoreau wrote “We should come home from adventures, and perils, and discoveries every day with new experience and character”. The last 36 days have changed me profoundly. Even though I may not be different outwardly, inwardly I know that I have experienced the worst and have overcome. I wanted to get home so bad, so I did what I could to ensure I survived and made it there. I stayed positive even in the coldest nights and stayed strong even when it looked like there was no hope. Having gotten through this makes me feel like I can do anything.
To quote someone else, Sarah Ban Breathnach wrote “Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need”. I know there were things in my life I took for granted before. Food , water, and shelter perhaps being the most obvious. But a loving dad who sends me to daycare twice a week is a whole lot more then what most pooches are afforded. Having that taken away from me for 36 days made me realize that I should stop thinking about what I don’t have and appreciate what I do have. Cause what I do have is pretty good.
So yes, you can be sure that I am extremely happy to be back home where I belong. And I plan on staying here for as long as I live. And knowing that dogs don’t have complex thoughts, quote authors, or actually speak – you should also know that it is not me, Rocky The Munn, who is sharing these sentiments. I hope that answers all your questions.
Please note that no Munns or fake reporters were harmed in away during this blog
Poochie Press: Thank you for agreeing to meet with us Rocky. We know you are a busy Munn.
Rocky the Munn: They told me I would get cheese.
PP: You just returned from a remarkable journey of 36 days in which you travelled at least 10 miles in a straight line, probably many more in your whole route – during which you dealt with extreme cold, ice, rain, snow, and even hail. How are you feeling right now?
PP: Mr. The Munn? Is that your way of saying you’re tired?
RTM: Oh no, I’m just found your initial question boring to your readers. You should be more considerate.
PP: Point taken. Can you tell us why you chose to go towards Annandale after you were lost in Falls Church?
RTM: That way smelled better. More places to pee. Less scary people.
PP: Interesting. Were you scared during your travels?
RTM: Well, I ran away from everyone who saw me. Plus, I was all alone in the cold, rain, and whatever else you said without my Daddy. So no, I wasn’t scared at all.
PP: You weren’t? My aren’t you a brave dog.
RTM: That was sarcasm, you twit.
PP: Your dad mentioned that you were very intelligent and athletic. Were these qualities things that helped you survive during your journey?
RTM: I think I survived mostly cause of my charm and good looks.
PP: Wow – that is intere…. Wait, more sarcasm, right?
RTM: I am wagging my tail in approval of your newfound intelligence.
PP: What did you eat during your journey, Mr. The Munn?
RTM: Steak, Filet Mignon, Blocks of Cheese, Broiled Scallops, Fig Newtons, Tomato Paste, Caviar, Pineapple Glazed Chicken…
PP: Wow – that’s quite a spread!
RTM: I lost 10 lbs. You can be assured I had none of the above. Although I may have dreamt about some of them. By the way, when do I get that cheese?
PP: One more question – and then you’ll get all the cheese you want. Do you miss being out on the run or are you happy to be back home where you belong?
RTM: My daddy and I will never be separated like that again. It was a tough 36 days for me and I know it was for him as well. I’m sure versions of these same questions could legitimately be asked of him too. I’m going to do everything in my power to ensure I am never in the same situation again and I’m sure my daddy will do the same.
Henry David Thoreau wrote “We should come home from adventures, and perils, and discoveries every day with new experience and character”. The last 36 days have changed me profoundly. Even though I may not be different outwardly, inwardly I know that I have experienced the worst and have overcome. I wanted to get home so bad, so I did what I could to ensure I survived and made it there. I stayed positive even in the coldest nights and stayed strong even when it looked like there was no hope. Having gotten through this makes me feel like I can do anything.
To quote someone else, Sarah Ban Breathnach wrote “Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need”. I know there were things in my life I took for granted before. Food , water, and shelter perhaps being the most obvious. But a loving dad who sends me to daycare twice a week is a whole lot more then what most pooches are afforded. Having that taken away from me for 36 days made me realize that I should stop thinking about what I don’t have and appreciate what I do have. Cause what I do have is pretty good.
So yes, you can be sure that I am extremely happy to be back home where I belong. And I plan on staying here for as long as I live. And knowing that dogs don’t have complex thoughts, quote authors, or actually speak – you should also know that it is not me, Rocky The Munn, who is sharing these sentiments. I hope that answers all your questions.
Please note that no Munns or fake reporters were harmed in away during this blog
Rocky Sighting! Sunday in Georgetown from noon - 2
Hi all - one of Rocky's buddies, Romeo will be at an adoption fair on Sunday. Rocky is going to lend his support. Come see Rocky and Romeo and other wonderful pooches at:
Sunday, Feb 15, 12-2pm
The Dog Shop
1625 Wisconsin Ave NW(Georgetown)
Washington, DC 20007
Rocky will be there from approximately 12:30-1:30. For more info on Romeo, please visit
Sunday, Feb 15, 12-2pm
The Dog Shop
1625 Wisconsin Ave NW(Georgetown)
Washington, DC 20007
Rocky will be there from approximately 12:30-1:30. For more info on Romeo, please visit
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Pics from the GALA
Hi all - it's been a busy 24 hours, but I wanted to get some pictures from the GALA up while I could. We had a great turnout - at least 150 people. A lot of people purchased things from Dogma too, which means homeward trails will get 10% of all purchases. We had 2 papers there, the Washington Post and the Falls Church News Press, both of whom will be doing stories on Rocky's amazing journey - I believe both of which will run NEXT Thursday, so I will keep everyone posted. Enjoy the pictures below! Will have more later hopefully....

Dogma Bakery were fabulous hosts! Thank you Sheila, Liza, Mary, and everyone else!

The Munn posing for the camera. The instruction on this one was "Look pathetically cute".

Happy Dog - lots of treats and lots of love!

And Scratches from many wonderful people!

And sometimes we just need quiet time.

This doesn't taste like anything I've chewed in the last 5 weeks. Yum!

Dogma baked Rocky a welcome home treat. There was no shortage of yummys for Rocky last night.

Dogma Bakery were fabulous hosts! Thank you Sheila, Liza, Mary, and everyone else!

The Munn posing for the camera. The instruction on this one was "Look pathetically cute".

Happy Dog - lots of treats and lots of love!

And Scratches from many wonderful people!

And sometimes we just need quiet time.

This doesn't taste like anything I've chewed in the last 5 weeks. Yum!

Dogma baked Rocky a welcome home treat. There was no shortage of yummys for Rocky last night.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Un-finding, Other Dogs, and Tomorow's GALA
A few topics to discuss. Now that Rocky has been found, we need to un-find him. All I need is someone on the street harassing me cause they think Rocky is a lost dog and not my Munn. :) I know unpostering efforts have already begun, but if you see any posters up in your neighborhood or otherwise, please take them down. If you have some time free and want to pull down posters (much more fun then putting them up I think!), contact and she can tell who what areas need un-postering. Also, I know many of you have posted Rocky on websites, shelters, vets, etc. - if you can call or write any that you may have done to let them know Rocky has been found (a very fun phone call by the way!), that would be appreciated. Rocky's celebrity status and having my phone number plastered around NoVa was fun while it lasted, but now it's time for both of us to return to our normal recluse lifestyle. ;)
A few people have reached out to me to post stories of other lost dogs on this blog. I hope all these dogs complete their journey home much like my baby did:
Lucy -
Queenie -
Alli -
And last, tomorrow's GALA is scheduled to go on as planned. It appears as if the Washington Post will be there with a reporter and a photographer (so much for Rocky's recluse life!). Either way though, I hope to see everyone there. The Munn has been resting up almost non-stop for 2 days just for the GALA! There was even rumbles of him getting dressed up for the event... but that might have just been his tummy.
Rocky's Dad
A few people have reached out to me to post stories of other lost dogs on this blog. I hope all these dogs complete their journey home much like my baby did:
Lucy -
Queenie -
Alli -
And last, tomorrow's GALA is scheduled to go on as planned. It appears as if the Washington Post will be there with a reporter and a photographer (so much for Rocky's recluse life!). Either way though, I hope to see everyone there. The Munn has been resting up almost non-stop for 2 days just for the GALA! There was even rumbles of him getting dressed up for the event... but that might have just been his tummy.
Rocky's Dad
Monday, February 9, 2009
Rocky at Home

Posting a couple pictures of Rocky back at home. He's basically been sleeping non-stop with occasional food and water and nature breaks. So unfortunately no Munn "in-action" shots yet. But he's still doing very well and has become quite adjusted already to being back home. He even has gotten into some typical Munn-like behavior already as he unmade my bed earlier this evening.
Getting the Munn back to Munn-like Status
Wanted to type up a quick update. Rocky went to the vet this morning. First, he is 10 pounds lighter - his last listed weight was 56 and he's currently at 46. He has digestive issues - but that is to be expected. He's always had a sensitive stomach, so may be a few days before that is back to normal. The vet got him his boosters even though there was still a couple months to wait. Aside from the scrape on his nose, there was no other major signs of any scuffles or hardships he may have endured - no swellings, bruises, etc. He did have one tick that we found.
The vet asked me about his eating and drinking and I told him that Rocky has been eating and drinking normally. He has continued to do so today. All in all, the vet was amazed that this dog that spent 5 weeks out in the cold returned home mostly intact. I was surprised that Rocky still acted like a little baby when the needles came out. I thought 5 weeks running in the wild and dealing with the cold might have toughened him up a bit. :)
From there, Rocky got clipped and bathed - so the smell issue is gone. His pads are a bit worn but it doesn't look like he is in pain by them. He's still sleeping most of the day, but he still has been playful when he's been awake. And he spent some time this morning staring out my sunroom window perhaps wistfully recalling his adventures of the weeks past.
I'm sure he'll be back to his Munn-like shenanigans in no time. Might be time to put the lock back on the fridge. :) Thanks everyone for the amazing show of support and love for Rocky. Hope to see everyone at Dogma on Wednesday.
The vet asked me about his eating and drinking and I told him that Rocky has been eating and drinking normally. He has continued to do so today. All in all, the vet was amazed that this dog that spent 5 weeks out in the cold returned home mostly intact. I was surprised that Rocky still acted like a little baby when the needles came out. I thought 5 weeks running in the wild and dealing with the cold might have toughened him up a bit. :)
From there, Rocky got clipped and bathed - so the smell issue is gone. His pads are a bit worn but it doesn't look like he is in pain by them. He's still sleeping most of the day, but he still has been playful when he's been awake. And he spent some time this morning staring out my sunroom window perhaps wistfully recalling his adventures of the weeks past.
I'm sure he'll be back to his Munn-like shenanigans in no time. Might be time to put the lock back on the fridge. :) Thanks everyone for the amazing show of support and love for Rocky. Hope to see everyone at Dogma on Wednesday.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Welcome Home Rocky Gala - Wednesday, February 11th
WHEN: Wednesday, February 11
TIME: 6 - 8:30 pm
WHERE: Dogma Bakery, 2445 N. Harrison St., Arlington, VA, 22207
The Dogma Bakery will be sponsoring a Welcome Home Rocky Gala. Please attend and meet the famous Rocky himself - limited pictures will be allowed. Feel free to give him a scratch behind the ears, a rub on his rump, or bring him treats, bones, or toys. Snacks and Refreshments will be provided. Dogma Bakery will donate 10% of all purchases made during the party to Homeward trails. Rocky hopes to see you all there so he can thank you personally for your support over the last 36+ days.
View the event on Facebook
WHEN: Wednesday, February 11
TIME: 6 - 8:30 pm
WHERE: Dogma Bakery, 2445 N. Harrison St., Arlington, VA, 22207
The Dogma Bakery will be sponsoring a Welcome Home Rocky Gala. Please attend and meet the famous Rocky himself - limited pictures will be allowed. Feel free to give him a scratch behind the ears, a rub on his rump, or bring him treats, bones, or toys. Snacks and Refreshments will be provided. Dogma Bakery will donate 10% of all purchases made during the party to Homeward trails. Rocky hopes to see you all there so he can thank you personally for your support over the last 36+ days.
View the event on Facebook
Some pictures from the reunion

Yay! Daddy! YAY! TREATS!

Never let me go Daddy!


OK Daddy, I'll never run away again. I promise. Now can I have more cheese?

Can we go home now please?

What's up with all these lost dog posters daddy?


I better pay attention so I know exactly how to get home!
Giving up on the Rocky Search....
Yes, this would be the blog post I'm sure you all have been waiting for.
After 36 days and 12 hours, Rocky has finally completed his journey and returned home to me. First off, I want to thank the entire Shinstock family who were the ones who notified me of Rocky's whereabouts today while I was flyering at Petco. The irony is not lost on me of the Stockomunn being found by the Shinstock family. Beth Shinstock called me today and notified me that Rocky had been hanging out near her and a few neighbors houses in Annandale for about a week. He wouldn't go allow anyone to go near him, but Rocky had made himself quite welcome in their neighborhood apparently. Her daughter, Maddie, was finally able to get Rocky to come close enough to her to give him food and over time, this obviously brilliant young girl was able to get Rocky's phone number off of his collar. I drove over to their address where I found Chris and future Steelers WR Hunter Shinstock enjoying a father son football toss and catch. I got out of the car and asked them if Rocky was still nearby. Chris pointed at his neighbor's driveway and said "Yes - he's sleeping on that driveway over there."
This dog, on the run for so long - that so many have spent countless hours trying to find was SLEEPING ON A DRIVEWAY IN ANNANDALE!!! I walked to the driveway with a leash, cheese, and treats... turned out I probably didn't need any of it. I called his name, and he lifted up his head and got up. He was a little disoriented at first and barked a couple times. I then said "Rocky, come here baby..." and he looked at me, let it register for a second, then put his ears back and came right to me. He was full of kisses for his daddy - as was I for him. I put the leash on him and about a minute later he walked over to my car to get in like we were just at the park or something. We got home about an hour ago, and he's eaten a bit, drank some water, played chase with me with his bone, and now is passed out sleeping on my couch.
He is very thin. But besides a few scratches on his nose and face, he looks very healthy. He doesn't smell very good, but I'm OK with that. He has been whimpering a bit, but from what I can tell, it just seems that's because he's happy to be home or perhaps he is trying to tell me of the adventures of the last 5+ weeks. I'll post some pictures of him a little later today.
I'm going to try and thank everyone. Please forgive me if I missed your name. Know that I appreciate the efforts that everyone has given to helping Rocky find his way home since January 3rd:
Mary Ann
Thanks to everyone who offered their support to me. Without your support and love for Rocky and the time the above people took to help find him, I'm certain I would not have made it through one week, let alone 5 weeks without him.
But he's here. He's Home. My baby is home. Finally.
Special thanks to Jessika for coming out last week while I could not be available.
And an extra special thanks to the Shinstock family - Rocky and I will be forever in your debt for reuniting us. This is the happiest day of my life. Thank You. Oh and Rocky says "WOOF!" and wants to give a "barkout" to Maddie.
Time to get reacquainted with my best friend. And maybe figure out a way to get these tears to stop falling from my eyes. We love you all,
Rocky's Dad and Rocky :)
Yes, this would be the blog post I'm sure you all have been waiting for.
After 36 days and 12 hours, Rocky has finally completed his journey and returned home to me. First off, I want to thank the entire Shinstock family who were the ones who notified me of Rocky's whereabouts today while I was flyering at Petco. The irony is not lost on me of the Stockomunn being found by the Shinstock family. Beth Shinstock called me today and notified me that Rocky had been hanging out near her and a few neighbors houses in Annandale for about a week. He wouldn't go allow anyone to go near him, but Rocky had made himself quite welcome in their neighborhood apparently. Her daughter, Maddie, was finally able to get Rocky to come close enough to her to give him food and over time, this obviously brilliant young girl was able to get Rocky's phone number off of his collar. I drove over to their address where I found Chris and future Steelers WR Hunter Shinstock enjoying a father son football toss and catch. I got out of the car and asked them if Rocky was still nearby. Chris pointed at his neighbor's driveway and said "Yes - he's sleeping on that driveway over there."
This dog, on the run for so long - that so many have spent countless hours trying to find was SLEEPING ON A DRIVEWAY IN ANNANDALE!!! I walked to the driveway with a leash, cheese, and treats... turned out I probably didn't need any of it. I called his name, and he lifted up his head and got up. He was a little disoriented at first and barked a couple times. I then said "Rocky, come here baby..." and he looked at me, let it register for a second, then put his ears back and came right to me. He was full of kisses for his daddy - as was I for him. I put the leash on him and about a minute later he walked over to my car to get in like we were just at the park or something. We got home about an hour ago, and he's eaten a bit, drank some water, played chase with me with his bone, and now is passed out sleeping on my couch.
He is very thin. But besides a few scratches on his nose and face, he looks very healthy. He doesn't smell very good, but I'm OK with that. He has been whimpering a bit, but from what I can tell, it just seems that's because he's happy to be home or perhaps he is trying to tell me of the adventures of the last 5+ weeks. I'll post some pictures of him a little later today.
I'm going to try and thank everyone. Please forgive me if I missed your name. Know that I appreciate the efforts that everyone has given to helping Rocky find his way home since January 3rd:
Mary Ann
Thanks to everyone who offered their support to me. Without your support and love for Rocky and the time the above people took to help find him, I'm certain I would not have made it through one week, let alone 5 weeks without him.
But he's here. He's Home. My baby is home. Finally.
Special thanks to Jessika for coming out last week while I could not be available.
And an extra special thanks to the Shinstock family - Rocky and I will be forever in your debt for reuniting us. This is the happiest day of my life. Thank You. Oh and Rocky says "WOOF!" and wants to give a "barkout" to Maddie.
Time to get reacquainted with my best friend. And maybe figure out a way to get these tears to stop falling from my eyes. We love you all,
Rocky's Dad and Rocky :)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Update for tomorrow
Hi all - we had a very highly probable sighting of Rocky yesterday in the North Arlington area. As a result of this, I am going to change the flyering destinations for tomorrows event. The meetup location I am keeping the same in case people who were planning on showing up do not read the blog between now and then. However, please be aware that I may be sending you a small distance from that location to flyer. If you have quarter flyers of your own that you want to use and just want to call for a location suggestion, please feel free to do so at 703-593-1040. Thanks - Rocky's Dad.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Flyering Efforts this weekend
Hi there - I hear the weather is supposed to be nice this weekend. Thought it would be nice to take advantage of the 62 degree weather and see if we can get some Rocky flyers out on Sunday.
Let's meet at 1:30-2:30 pm on Sunday at the Trader Joe's at 5847 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA to hand out flyers. I would like to send people to some of the following areas -
Bailey's Crossroad
Seven Corners
East Falls Church Metro
West Falls Church Metro
If you decide to take an area at another time or on your own during that time (meaning without meeting up at the Trade Joe's), please contact me at 703-593-1040 or at Please copy
I am flying home in a few hours - thankful, hopeful, and ready to bring Rocky home where he belongs.
Let's meet at 1:30-2:30 pm on Sunday at the Trader Joe's at 5847 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA to hand out flyers. I would like to send people to some of the following areas -
Bailey's Crossroad
Seven Corners
East Falls Church Metro
West Falls Church Metro
If you decide to take an area at another time or on your own during that time (meaning without meeting up at the Trade Joe's), please contact me at 703-593-1040 or at Please copy
I am flying home in a few hours - thankful, hopeful, and ready to bring Rocky home where he belongs.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Returning tomorrow night
Hi there - my work trip ends tomorrow and I will be home early Saturday morning. Jess did a lot this week and I think we made some good progress towards bringing Rocky home. I spoke with her briefly and she said she will be posting some suggested weekend activities that we could use volunteers for. Any help you can give will be appreciated.
This was a very hard week for me to be away. Just for a little insight - the work responsibility I had for this week was the largest professional undertaking I personally have had to manage. It went well, but hard to take too much satisfaction while the largest undertaking I've ever had to manage period is still at large... unresolved.
Thanks for all who kept the search going this week. Your time and energy was much appreciated three time zones away.
This was a very hard week for me to be away. Just for a little insight - the work responsibility I had for this week was the largest professional undertaking I personally have had to manage. It went well, but hard to take too much satisfaction while the largest undertaking I've ever had to manage period is still at large... unresolved.
Thanks for all who kept the search going this week. Your time and energy was much appreciated three time zones away.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Success with a tracking Dog... and Feeding Station Volunteers Needed
I had a busy day today, but it was all worth it.
I spent the morning checking out what turned out to be a false Rocky sighting, but was able to corral a little guy until animal control could come and take him out of harms way.
After a quick lunch, I hit all the shelters in the area. There was lots of good news there... first, they are mostly empty, which means that most doggies are safe and sound at home and second, they all instantly recognized Rocky's name and said they were very on the look out for him.
The evening was spent with a tracking dog/handler in the location of the latest sighting, by JEB Stuart Park. The dog was able to quickly pick up a scent and tracked down to Lake Barcroft.
Which leads me to our big need right now - we REALLY need to place a feeding station on the shore of Lake Barcroft and/or the edge of JEB Stuart park. I knocked on some doors, but no one was home. The one family I talked to seemed hesitant, but they seemed like great folks, so I hope they come through for us.
Alright, I'm heading out in another 30mins to look around the area. It's trash night in the area, and I'm thinking Rocky might come out looking for a morsel.
I spent the morning checking out what turned out to be a false Rocky sighting, but was able to corral a little guy until animal control could come and take him out of harms way.
After a quick lunch, I hit all the shelters in the area. There was lots of good news there... first, they are mostly empty, which means that most doggies are safe and sound at home and second, they all instantly recognized Rocky's name and said they were very on the look out for him.
The evening was spent with a tracking dog/handler in the location of the latest sighting, by JEB Stuart Park. The dog was able to quickly pick up a scent and tracked down to Lake Barcroft.
Which leads me to our big need right now - we REALLY need to place a feeding station on the shore of Lake Barcroft and/or the edge of JEB Stuart park. I knocked on some doors, but no one was home. The one family I talked to seemed hesitant, but they seemed like great folks, so I hope they come through for us.
Alright, I'm heading out in another 30mins to look around the area. It's trash night in the area, and I'm thinking Rocky might come out looking for a morsel.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Update - Posters up in the Lake Barcroft/JEB Stuart High School Area
Thanks to everyone who helped posted the area around the sighting from this weekend. We were able to get signs up in a good radius. Lake Barcroft is a potentially good hiding place and I could see him riding out the next couple of cold days there (if that's really where he is.) Hopefully one of the residents in the area will see him and give us a call.
One of the folks out tonight asked is Rocky likes the water. Which is a great question... he was at least eighteen months old before he even saw water. We were on vacation out in Tahoe and went to play in the river. We literally had to pick him up and put him in the water and first, and it was only up to his little knees. We got him to the point that he'd at least run in and out of it, but he didn't seem impressed. In later life though, I think Rocky's been more for the water... but he is definitely not a 'water dog'. If I had my dog with me tonight, I'm pretty sure I would have ended up getting dragged into the lake trying to keep him out of it. I'll have to keep that in mind when I go out to scan the woods in the area tomorrow.
One of the folks out tonight asked is Rocky likes the water. Which is a great question... he was at least eighteen months old before he even saw water. We were on vacation out in Tahoe and went to play in the river. We literally had to pick him up and put him in the water and first, and it was only up to his little knees. We got him to the point that he'd at least run in and out of it, but he didn't seem impressed. In later life though, I think Rocky's been more for the water... but he is definitely not a 'water dog'. If I had my dog with me tonight, I'm pretty sure I would have ended up getting dragged into the lake trying to keep him out of it. I'll have to keep that in mind when I go out to scan the woods in the area tomorrow.
How the Munn was Won
So - let me start by saying that everything I have said about my Rocky Dog has been 100% true. He is and always has been an extraordinary dog. His intelligence, persistence, and athleticism has driven me crazy over the years. Those same things are keeping him safe right now.
My heart breaks every time I think about Rocky right now when I am 3000 miles away. Jess and I together rescued Rocky 7 years ago. Even though she and him have not been together for several years now - I know their love for each other endures. Please do what you can to help her during this week while I attempt to do what I can from afar. All the help and support I have got has been amazing. And in case you haven't realized it yet - I'm not giving up hope. I still believe my baby will come home. And I really hope you all will do what you can to help him complete his journey back home. Hope there is a big turnout tomorrow at Jeb Stuart.
My heart breaks every time I think about Rocky right now when I am 3000 miles away. Jess and I together rescued Rocky 7 years ago. Even though she and him have not been together for several years now - I know their love for each other endures. Please do what you can to help her during this week while I attempt to do what I can from afar. All the help and support I have got has been amazing. And in case you haven't realized it yet - I'm not giving up hope. I still believe my baby will come home. And I really hope you all will do what you can to help him complete his journey back home. Hope there is a big turnout tomorrow at Jeb Stuart.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Postering Tuesday -Meet at Jeb Stuart High School
The latest sighting is right near Jeb Stuart Park and High School. The park is wooded and has lots of great hiding spots.
We'll be meeting in the parking lot of the high school (close to the park, which is right across the street) at 7pm to poster the surrounding area, since I only saw one sign out there tonight. The weather may not be ideal, so I thank you in advance for your dedication.
If you want to help; call or text 412 759 7400, so I know to expect you.
We'll be meeting in the parking lot of the high school (close to the park, which is right across the street) at 7pm to poster the surrounding area, since I only saw one sign out there tonight. The weather may not be ideal, so I thank you in advance for your dedication.
If you want to help; call or text 412 759 7400, so I know to expect you.
Sighting last night, and the beginning of a new week...
Hi, all... this is Jess.
Gizmo and I have arrived safe and sound in the DC area and went out on foot to get the lay of the land. I didn't see as many posters as I thought I would, but to be honest, they were everywhere I would have put them.
I plan, tonight or tomorrow to investigate a sighting from last night with a tracker.
Also on tap for tomorrow: checking in with the library and community center and calling all shelters, etc. SIGHTING LOCATION: Beechway and Mansfield. This is on Beachway Dr at the southeast corner of Mansfield Rd.
I also have a new idea of calling/talking to contractors doing work in the area; I've seen enough Disney movies to know that lost animals all hang out in abandoned or low trafficked buildings.
Continue to call in sightings, or if you want to help... send us an email to and copy with the Subject "Rocky volunteer". Please include your name and phone number in the message.
Gizmo and I have arrived safe and sound in the DC area and went out on foot to get the lay of the land. I didn't see as many posters as I thought I would, but to be honest, they were everywhere I would have put them.
I plan, tonight or tomorrow to investigate a sighting from last night with a tracker.
Also on tap for tomorrow: checking in with the library and community center and calling all shelters, etc. SIGHTING LOCATION: Beechway and Mansfield. This is on Beachway Dr at the southeast corner of Mansfield Rd.
I also have a new idea of calling/talking to contractors doing work in the area; I've seen enough Disney movies to know that lost animals all hang out in abandoned or low trafficked buildings.
Continue to call in sightings, or if you want to help... send us an email to and copy with the Subject "Rocky volunteer". Please include your name and phone number in the message.
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