First, Daddy’s one to talk about being distracted! I can never get his attention when he is barking away on this useless thing he calls the “cell phone”. I pull on the leash if we’re outside. I’ll whine and try to play with him if we are inside. But to no avail! That stupid “cell phone” thing always distracts him from paying attention to me. If I ever get my teeth on that thing!
That being said, Daddy is right to say I get distracted easily. But I’m a dog. From what I understand, I have certain heightened senses that make me more aware of things. So I think that gives me an excuse. Daddy did point out that I was getting distracted from my blog and that wasn’t fair to the readers cause they might think that I ran away again. Let me assure you that is not the case. I am still home with Daddy and very happy. In fact, here’s a picture of me safe at home.

But for future reference, I figured I should point out to people that if I do seem to be away from the blog occasionally, it’s not because I’ve gone missing again (that’ll never happen again!) but because I became distracted by something. Although this is not a full list, it likely is one of these things that distracted me:
1) Loud Noises – I already discussed this one in detail before since it’s what caused me to run off. Although not all loud noises scare me, almost all will distract me. I know it annoys Daddy when I hear noises when I’m trying to poo because, as he claims, “the stars need to align before I poo”. He just doesn’t understand that poo opportunities are limited and so when you have them you need to make sure you have the perfect spot. Not sure why you humans go mostly in the same place all the time. Such a waste! When I have to go, I’ll sniff around as much as I can to try and get a good area. The area needs to be dry, and secluded, and really, really hard for daddy to clean up after me once I go (it’s a game we like to play! Although it amuses me more than him). Once a good area is found, I have to circle the area and make sure I find the perfect spot within the area. Sometimes it helps to shake myself out. The whole process takes about 10 minutes. Anyway, sometimes a noise will distract me while I’m looking for my perfect poo spot and then I have to start the whole process over.
2) Good Smells – Daddy used to take me to agility class when I was a puppy. That was fun, but he stopped taking me because I guess the instructor used to get very frustrated with me. At times I was the best in the class and would zoom through the course no problem. However, more often, something smelled very good on the course and I had to go sniff it. I don’t see what the problem was – good sniffs are hard to come by. But the instructor and Daddy tried everything to get me back on the course. But nothing is better than a good sniff!
3) People I like – Daddy and I have several friends that come visit us often. Most of these people love me as much as I love them. I never know when to expect them, though, and they seem to just randomly show up sometimes. So sometimes if we’re walking along and I see someone who might look like one of these friends, I don’t want to walk any further until I know for sure it’s not them. Also, if a car stops close to us, I always feel we should look inside the car to see if it is one of these friends. Daddy does not agree with this unfortunately. He doesn’t know how many times we may have missed out on getting tummy rubs and rump scratches from the friends that might be in those cars!
Anyway, there are a lot of other things that distract me – like bones, for example. But I think this should assure everyone that if I disappear for a week here and there that I’m just temporarily distracted and not lost again!
I have good news! Two of our Rocky stars have been helped – Mugsey the Bulldog has been found and is home after 35 days, just about the same time I was gone! And also Acura has found a foster and is out of the high kill shelter so he has a second chance at life. I want to wish upon two more Rocky stars that need fosters this week, Amber ( and Murphy ( Please look at these two pals of mine and see if you or anyone you know would like to help them.
Off to find a good sniff!
Rocky the Munn (